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Home Birth in Wilmington NC: Welcoming Baby Low


I talk about birth a lot. Home birth in particular. Not shocking, I know.

I have three babies myself: I had my oldest in the hospital and two youngest at home. One of the most common misconceptions I come across in conversation is that birthing at home looks exactly like hospital birth – except without access to all the technology and support of a hospital.

The truth is, home birth is fundamentally different. The mood tends to be much calmer. The attendants and family all know one another well enough to know what each other take in their coffee. We are, for lack of a better word, at home when we are home. Relaxed. Confident and comfortable.

I will never ever advocate for any birthing person to do anything but what feels best for them. For folks who think birthing at home sounds terrible – I’m not trying to convince you. But my personal experience and what I’ve seen in others is that the pace and the tone of labor at home allow for labor to drop more easily into the primal place it needs to to get baby out in the most calm and efficient way possible.

I love the way home birth normalizes the process for siblings attending. Even the youngest siblings are so eager to fetch washcloths and snacks. It’s amazing how well children understand the hard work of labor and respect the attention it demands.

This birth was a particularly cozy one, starting early in the morning and getting to spend the day with some of my dearest friends. We celebrated a perfect new life as night fell. It’s days and births like these that reaffirm my passion for birth work and the sacred duty of protecting this precious space.

For Wilmington/Leland/Jacksonville/Carolina Beach locals looking into birth options, I highly recommend getting in touch with some of the wonderful people behind Cape Fear Area Doulas.

For more information about birthing options and procedures, I love Evidence Based Birth.

Home Birth in Wilmington NC: Welcoming Baby Low

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