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Welcoming Baby B: A Wilmington NC Home Birth


If you’ve spent any time on birth forums and pages you may have seen this quote floating around:

“A home birth is like a college party: people spend all night trying to get you to drink, a kiddie pool gets filled in your bedroom, and the next day you’re not sure who saw you naked.”

Pretty funny image, right? It doesn’t work for every birth I’ve attended, some are very quiet and mellow, some have just a couple people in attendance, and some (like mine) go very very fast. But this sweet Spring baby came into what truly could best be described as a party. By that I mean a wonderful, loving, supportive celebration of this family as they welcomed their newest member. Any time I am invited to capture a birth it is such an honor but there is something special when a fellow birth worker trusts me with those moments. At this birth I worked with several amazing members of the Wilmington birth community and it was such a privilege to be among them (Wilmington Doula Services; Port City Doula; Joyful Births; Jillian Bretz: Birth and Beyond Doula; Birth With Confidence)

Hoping for many more birth parties in my future!

I believe it’s very important to be sure anyone present at your birth is a good fit so if you have considered having your own birth documented, let’s chat! I’m very happy to take you to coffee/tea/smoothies and discuss any and all questions/concerns you may have. Shoot me a text and we’ll schedule 🙂 910-557-2770

Welcoming Baby B: A Wilmington NC Home Birth

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